Intro (delete)

<aside> 👩🏻‍💻 Hola there! I'm thrilled to introduce this health management template, designed to help you keep track of crucial data, appointments, insurance documents, and medical bills related to your health journey.

Navigating the healthcare system in the USA has been quite a challenge for many, including myself. The stress of managing medical records, appointments, and bills can be overwhelming, especially when you're busy or new to the country. After experiencing firsthand how frustrating it can be to have inaccurate information in my records, I knew something had to change. I created this template for myself and now want to share it with you, so you can have a single source of truth for all your medical information.

→ Who’s this for? Busy parents, families, newcomers to the USA, and those transitioning between states who want to manage their health more efficiently and effectively.

→ Spanish version coming soon!

Don't hesitate to reach out with suggestions or feedback! I'd love to hear how this template has helped you or any ideas you have for improvement.

¡Salud y bienestar! ❤️


Instructions (delete)

  1. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and brew a cup of ☕.
  2. Take 5-10 minutes to look at the template first and explore its sections.
  3. The template contains “dummy text” so you can use it as a reference, none of it is real.
  4. Each section contains instructions you can customize for yourself or delete. Example: [Please delete: Add the name of your insurance name and company name]

My Profile

Name, Age

[Please delete: Add your basic metrics and replace the picture with a full body image of yourself. You can always reorganize this later or add more modules to it. I tried my best to make it as complete as possible!]
